Stereo power amplifier 2 x 1400 W at 2 ohm with selectable LPN filter

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   » Matériels audio    »  Publié le 2015-06-16  [Lu  1214  fois]

With the combination of efficient CLASS H power stages and a reliable switching power supply, the HPX2800, can deliver 2800 watts total at 2 ohm load making it a very convenient source of power in even the most demanding sound reinforcement applications. Light-weight and easily manageable, the HPX series amplifiers offer practicality as one of their primary features. Their switching mode power supplies and efficient cooling systems make them particularly suited for use in compact and portable systems and, at the same time, make them reliable and durable even after years of intense use. A selectable LPN (low-pass notch) filter allows for improved low-frequency response, guaranteeing more punch and greater dynamics, while simultaneously protecting the connected speakers from over-excursion. The front panel, which offers convenient, die-cast handles and a removable dust filter, provides a comprehensive system of LED status indicators and indexed level controls.


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